14500 Landstar Boulevard, Orlando, FL 32824

The ministry of Catalyst International Church is supported entirely by the generous giving of people who believe in our mission.

Thank you for your faithfulness and support.

You may choose to give online through PayPal. It’s safe, simple and secure: all you’ll need are a few minutes to go through the process. You may also consider setting up your online banking to automatically send your tithes and offerings, the same way you pay other bills. Simply send your contribution to:

14500 Landstar Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32824

Tithes and Offerings

(*Please Note: Do not use the $ sign when entering your amount. For example, 100.00 or 50.00 works with this program, but not $100 or $50. Thank you so much for your kindness!)

Giving One Time:


Giving Monthly:

2020 Building Fund

(*Please Note: Do not use the $ sign when entering your amount. For example, 100.00 or 50.00 works with this program, but not $100 or $50. Thank you so much for your kindness!)

Giving One Time:


Giving Monthly:

All donations are 100% tax deductible. Give safely and securely through PayPal.
